Thursday, April 29, 2010

My favorite holiday is Christmas.
My nickname is KaLia.
I was born in MN
My favorite color is Black.
What is my favorite animal? Dolphins

Thursday, March 18, 2010

About my day

Hello. Today my day was really boring. I went to school. I did my research paper and learn a lot about my scientist Benjamin Banneker. He was really great and cool. I am dancing in Roro Ngigel for the school celebrating tomorrow on Friday. I also practiced today too. Indonesian. Well...I'm bored and tired from laughing all day. I was laughing at school because George and Martin were making me laugh and happy. We had recess and it was stifling hot today. I was sweating when I came inside from recess. I sometimes like school and sometimes don't. For lunch today we ate sausage, rice, mandarins, carrots, cookies, and milk. It was really good and juicy too! You should try it too! Well I have afterschool, CoHort, and I'm typing on blogspot right now. With my friends Pai Dao, Lucy, Demi, Lisa, Christina, Sarah, Peacock, Selena, Linda, Vicky, Alsol(brother), Xue, Kevin, Kyle, Brandon, Mai Yia, and Vince. They are all really nice and cool at the same time too. They are all my best friends!:) That is how my day went! BYE-BYE FOR NOW!!!!:)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I wish I had one more chance to.......

I wish I had one more chance to start my childhood all over then I would work harder in school, make my parents proud, and be a different person who would want to be a singer one day and will not be shy and will stand for myself and for others too. I want to have a personality like intelligent, talented for becoming a singer, smart, really really really nice, and be friends with different kinds of people all over the world. I would be fresh and wealthy or healthy. I would be medium rich and not be really popular because being popular is not all about your life. We have much more to learn about. I would study, read alot, research for homework, and be an active person. I would listen to my parents all the time and the parents I would have are dream parents that are really really really NICE!!! I would rather go to a place where we help old people, volunteer at places like Feed My Starving Children and like Pennies for Patience! Sometimes I would want to be a singer/dancer too! I would also have a kind attitude and always obey people and go straight to work right away. Whenever I would get bored I would study, read, research stuff on internet, sing karaoke songs, and dance to music or other stuff because I want to become a singer/dancer! I would be famous one day and I would show the bullies that bullied me (if there were bullies bullying me) I have a talent that they don't have! But I won't do that I would cheer them up, make them happy, be friends with them, and invite them on my or the parties I have at my big house, I'm rich. HAHAHA! Well I am not going to be mean since I am a singer/dancer famous person because I am already nice!:) I would work hard on my career or job and make my parents proud. When my parents are old, I would feed them and take them to my house for me and my housemaids to take care of and when my parents die I would make a very very very nice grave for them to be alone together with my mom's favorite flowers and vases, my dad's favorite fishes, and my parents favorite food. That will be the one chance I would want to have!!

~Terisa Vang~