Saturday, November 28, 2009

What are you afraid of?

I am afraid of ghosts because i think they look scary to us hmong peoples. Ghosts scare me because they make strange sounds and talking little bit loud. But i'm protected because we are shaman. I don't know why i'm still scared even if i'm protected.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

2. Which place would i like to travel to?


1. What is the age i will be on my next birthday?

The age i am going to turn into on my next birthday is 11.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

If I Could Pick One Meal To Eat For The Rest Of My Life It Would Be........

If i could pick one meal for the rest of my life it would be pho, eggroll, fried rice, and lastly rice with pepper, and with chicken because it is the best hmong food and it tastes real good!!! Also it will fill me up very fast and it is healthy and good for the hmong culture. It is juicy, slurpy, spicy, chewy, and DELICIOUS!!! For example when you taste it you will feel warmth, refreshed, and full with delight! That should be all i want to eat for the rest of my life!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What i look forward to doing everyday is.........

What i look forward to doing everyday is progressing in school everyday. For example, i will work harder and concentrate on what my teacher says so that i will know what to do when he is done talking. Also i will be respectful, caring, and be responsible for what i have done wrong and i won't be shy to stand up in the class when i'm reading my story. Another reason is by teamworking with whoever is in my group and work it out if we argue. Also i can learn by reading books, textbooks, science books, math books, social studies books, and reading alot of different subject books. Another reason is i look forward to being becoming a ARTIST!!!!!
That is all for now! GOODBYE!!


What State?

If i could go to any state it would be Madagascar because i want to see what kind of place it is and want to see alot of animals! Also i'm curious about why it is called Madagascar. Also i think it is a really cool place to go! Another state i would want to go visit is Washington D.C. because i would love to see the president, BARAK OBAMA!!!! Plus i would like a sleepover at his house and run around alot!!! Also i would love to see the inside of his house!!! Another state i want to go is Hawaii because i would like to see volcanoes and the seas or oceans. Plus another reason that i like to go to Hawaii is that i want to go undersea and see the dolphins! Also i would like ti live there for 3 months and see how the life is there! Another state i would like to see is New York because i would love to see TYRA BANKS!!! I want to see her and the top models who are left, Nicole, and Laura!
That is all the states i would like to go to.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

When I Grow Up I Want To Be.........

When i grow up i want to be an artist because i love to draw and i love to paint. also i like to be an artist because it is creative and you think different when from other people and you let them guess what did you draw? another reason why i want to be an artist is that you can be alone, and imagine what you wanna draw!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


School is going well and i have alot of new friends! We are learning about facts and opinion. In writer's choice we are learning to write good. In reading we are reading the cases of pooch pearson and how she solves it. In math we are on lesson 39 and it is call fractions, mixed numbers, and whole numbers. In science we were doing a science experiment and the objects we were doing the experiment with are 3potatos, food coloring, water, sugar, and salt. In phy ed, we are learning how to play and learn about flag football and real football. In music we are practicing the songs Hero, We Go Together, We Got The Beat, The Water is Wide, and Mongolian Night Songs.. It is for the concert that is coming up in 2 weeks! I am excited about this school year because it is different from last year. It is a really fun year because we have a really cool teacher named, Mr.Maertens. Also a nice math teacher, Ms.Yang-Chang. My 3 best friends are Sarah, Pai Dao, and Christina. Oops! I forgot to tell you my phy ed and music teacher. They are My.Pilon and Mr.Schneider.=) Also i have afterschool with Ms.Elaine, Mr.Andrews, Ms.Morchia, and Ms.Lia. I hope you have a great school like mine. Prairie Seeds Academy! I hope you come to this School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

About Me.

Hello my name is Terisa. You can call me Ka. My favorite sport is basketball and soccer. My favorite football team is Vikings. The subject i am good at is science, math, and reading. I am in 5th grade. My teacher's name is Mr.Maertens. Also i like to paint. When i grow up i am going to be an artist. That's all about me. If you wanna know more ask.

Pop STAR!!!

If I were to be a famous TV star i would want to be Michael Jackson! Why? Because he can do alot of different moves from other people and i think he is the best dancer that ever lived on Earth!!! Another reason why i would want to be Michael Jackson is that he was handsome and i think alot of girls liked him. LOLZ!! Also my name is Terisa Vang. You can call me Ka because my real middle name is Kalia. So that's why. So that is why I would like to be Michael Jackson!